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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Best Linux Distributions

Linux distributions can be divided into many categories. They are.......

#1st Category: General Use       

Ubuntu (Based on - Debian)
       One of the most popular general-use distributions with one of the largest selections of software.
Fedora (Based on - Red hat, Oriented from - It self )
             The most cutting-edge general-use distribution on a 6-month release cycle. It's cutting edge in two
             ways: new versions of software, and it use new software before other distributions use them.
Open SUSE (Based on - It self, Oriented from - Slowkware)
A stable, general-use distribution for everyone that excels in enterprise environments. openSUSE includes a few different defaults such as it’s package manager and the KDE desktop environment
Debian (Based on - It self, Oriented from - It self )
One of the most stable distributions in existence, with a large selection of software. It is often used as the base of many other distributions.
Linux Mint (Based on - Debian, Oriented from - It self )
A highly-customized distribution that includes many features out-of-the-box that other distributions do not, including codecs. Linux Mint has such a large following that it’s starting to look toward going in its own direction.
Mandriva Linux (Based on - Red hat, Oriented from -  Mavdrova)
Back in the day, one of the most popular distributions when it was known as “Mandrake Linux”. A great general-use distribution which uses custom themes and system tools.
PC Linux OS (Based on - It self, Oriented from - It self )
Another general-use distribution that combines technologies from different distributions to present an overall great experience.
Linpus Linux (Based on - Red hat, Oriented from - It self )
A general-use distribution that has specialized themes and apps for an easier overall user experience
Pinguy (Based on - Ubuntu, Oriented from - It self )
A general-use distribution that comes with anumberofcustomizationstomake an easier out-of-the-box experience.
Slackware (Based on: Itself; Originiated from: Itself)

      One of the oldest living distributions, Slackware allows plenty of configuration and is a great general-use
      distribution. It requires some knowledge of Linux and isn’t recommended for new users.
Gentoo (Based on: Itself)
        A general-purpose distribution that is centered around machine-specific optimization. Until recently, all                                                softwarewas compiled on the system rather than installing binaries. Not recommended for new users.

#2nd  Category: minimal Use

Arch Linux (Based on - It self, Oriented from - It self ) 
     A minimal rolling-release general-use distribution where you install only what you want or need. It’s highly    cutting-edge and there are no default installations. Most customizations are done manually in text files
Puppy Linux (Based on - It self, Oriented from - It self )
      A very small distribution that uses an extremely low amount of resources. Great for older systems or those that need every drop of power for their tasks. Compatible with: Slackware, Ubuntu, others with Woof tool
Bodhi Linux (Based on: Ubuntu)
    A great lightweight alternative for systems that can’t run other desktop environments. Still very functional and relatively elegant.

#3rd Category: Commercial  Use

Red Hat (Based on - Fedora, Oriented from - It self ).
     A commercial solution from Red Hat for a great enterprise system, both desktop and server. Costs of the distribution come from support packages.
SUSE Enterprise Linux
    One of two preferred enterprise systems for most Linux administrators. SUSE includes plenty of tools to make the admin’s job a lot easier.

#4th Category: Enterprise

Cent OS (Based on - Red hat, Oriented from - It self ) 
   A great, free clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux for a pure, stable enterprise system.

#5th Category: Like Mac os X

Pear OS (Based on - Ubuntu, Debian )
   A very beautiful general-use distribution that mimics the look, feel, and functionality of Apple’s Mac OS X.

#6th Category: Like Microsoft

Zorin OS (Based on – Ubuntu)
     A general-use distribution that mimics the look, feel, and functionality of Windows. This is geared for those who prefer the Windows interface or need an easier way to transition from Windows to Linux.

#7th Category: Special Use

Joli OS (Based on – Ubuntu)
    A distribution aimed for use on netbooks and working with different cloud services. Who needs ChromeOS?
ArtistX (Based on – Ubuntu) 
     A specialized distribution that includes virtually every single multimedia application for Linux that you can think of. Great for work on images, sounds, and videos.
Parted Magic
      A distribution aimed specifically at partitioning your hard drives, but includes plenty of other features that make it more of a rescue disc than a lone partitioning tool.
GPated (Based on - Ubuntu, Debian )
       A distribution made especially for partitioning hard drives. The distribution comes as a LiveCD only and contains only the GParted partitioning software and a console.
Back Track  Linux (Based on – Ubuntu Originated from: Whoppix) 
    A fantastic distribution that is specialized for network penetration testing and security auditing. It includes all kinds of software and needed patches to do.

Source: (

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