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Monday, July 23, 2012

Softwares with ubuntu

Here I've divided the softwares into the types. Normal, Server tools & In ubuntu software center.
The Server tools softwares are available for ubuntu server package.
# Normal

Alsa-lib ( A full featured audio library for use with ALSA kernel module )
Bash ( An sh-compatible command language interpreter ) 
Cups ( UNIX printing system based on the internet printing protocol )
Firefox ( A web browser )
Freetype ( A free, quality,  portable font engine )
GCC ( GNU compiler collection )
Gimp ( The GNU image manipulation program )
Glibe ( A C library for use with GNU/Linux )
Gtk+ ( A multi platform took kit for crating GUI’s )
Inkscape ( A drawing tool that use the W3 standard  scalable vector graphics format )
Libre office ( A free personal productivity suite )
linux (  A unix clone written form scratch by Linux Torvalds )
Mesalib ( A 3d graphics library )
Module-inti-tools ( A set of program for loading inserting & removing kernel modules for Linux) 
Nautilus ( A file manager for GNOME desktop )
Postfix ( A mail transport agent )
Python ( A interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language )
Qt ( C++ application framework for writing graphical application )  
Thunderbird ( A full featured email & newsgroup client )
Udev ( Provides a dynamic /dev directory & persistent device name )
Vim ( A improved version of text editor )
Xorg-server ( foundation’s public implementation of the X Windows system)
Xz( Data compression software with high compression ratio )

# Server Tools

Bind ( An implementation of DNS protocol )
DHCP ( A server & client for automatic IP configuration )
Grub  ( the grand unified bootloader ) 
HTTPd ( A high platform HTTP server, Apache2.x version series ) 
Mysql ( A sql database server )
Openssh (A client & server for encrypted remote logins & file transfers )
Opensssl ( A library for providing encrypted transport layers )
Perl ( well’s practical extraction & reporting language )
Php ( A server side HTML- embedded scripting language )
Postersql ( A relational database management system )
Samba ( A free software re-implementation of SMB/CIFS networking protocol )

# With ubuntu software center ( these softwares need to download )

Banshee ( A music player & library )
Pidgin ( An instant messenger client )
K3b ( DVD/CD burner, Alternate to nero )
Vlc ( A media player)
Without these softwares ubuntu software center have various free & paid softwares & games.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Features of Ubuntu

Ubuntu is composed of many software package ,the vast majority of which are distributed under a free software license. The main license used in Ubuntu is GNU General Public License (GNU GPL ). Which along with GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU- GPL ). So Ubuntu is free to run, copy, distribute, study, change, develop and improve.  One can install ubuntu without restarting computer.

Ubuntu desktop includes a graphical desktop environment. The default desktop environment is Unity (developed by Canonical Ltd.). one can use different desktop environment such as KDE, Xfce, LXDE or GNOME while others paid operating systems don’t give this opportunity.

Ubuntu comes with installed with a wide range of software such as office, web browser or lightweight games. Every Ubuntu package has Libre Office (like MS office), Mozila firefox, Thunderbird (Email app), Transmission (bit torrent client). One can download a lot of software from Ubuntu software center for free. I’ve a list of software that is free with Ubuntu’s current version (Ubuntu 12.04). I’ll post them in my next post ……….    

Monday, July 2, 2012


Ubuntu ( oo-BOON-too)

Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'. It also means 'I am what I am because of who we all are'. The Ubuntu operating system brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the world of computers.

 Ubuntu is a computer operating system based on the Debian Linux distribution and distributed as free and open source software, using its own desktop environment. It is named after the Southern African philosophy of ubuntu ("humanity towards others"). Ubuntu is designed primarily for use on personal computers, although a server edition also exists.

The original aim of the Ubuntu developers was to create an easy-to-use Linux desktop with new releases scheduled on a predictable six-month basis, resulting in a frequently updated system.
Ubuntu's first release was on 20 October 2004. Since then, Canonical has released new versions of Ubuntu every six months with commitment to support each release for eighteen months by providing security fixes, patches to critical bugs and minor updates to programs. It was decided that every fourth release, issued on a two-year basis, would receive long-term support (LTS). LTS releases were traditionally supported for three years on the desktop and five years on the server. However with the release of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, desktop support for LTS releases is to be extended to a period of five years (for example, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS will be supported until April 2017). 

Ubuntu is currently funded by Canonical Ltd. On 8 July 2005, Mark Shuttleworthand Canonical Ltd. announced the creation of the Ubuntu Foundation and provided an initial funding of US$10 million. The purpose of the foundation is to ensure the support and development for all future versions of Ubuntu. Mark Shuttleworth describes the foundation as an "emergency fund" (in case Canonical's involvement ends).